Thursday, April 14, 2011


In the interest of getting back into the groove of blogging more regularly, here's one of my accomplishments of the night (not the only or the most important, but the most satisfying)--listing all 35 countries in the Americas in a minute. Like Bushbuck in days of yore, it is a diversion that I can justify on the grounds that it is educational in addition to being fun. Proof of my success will be seen more clearly if you view a larger version of the following photo; notice that I finished with less than 2 seconds to spare.

Now to bed, to bed for this sleepyhead! Much awaits me in the morn.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Where in the world?

Here are a few places I could be if I try to still pursue a teaching fellowship for next year:

Wilmington, Delaware

Augusta, Georgia

Savannah, Georgia

Milwaukee, Wisconsin


And if I don't pursue a teaching fellowship for this year... who knows?