Monday, August 10, 2009

Tesoros de la biblioteca de PUC Chile

¡Olé! No tengo mucho tiempo para escribir esta noche, pero tuve que compartir con ustedes la joya que tuve la suerte de encontrar en la biblioteca. ¡Había acerca de una docena de libros de Tintin en español! Pedí prestado a dos para practicar tanto como para revivir mi juventud en la casa de los Curries. Es todo. Chao, hermanos.


  1. Indeed, French has helped my understanding of written Spanish. I'm pretty sure that I understand most of that. Ahh memories of waiting at the Curries. Sounds good. Keep doing well. Praying for you.


  2. One more follow up know that Tintin is French, right?

  3. yes, I had known that... but i just learned (thanks to wikipedia) that Hergé was Belgian. At any rate, what better way to learn a language than to read cartoons in said language? :D

  4. Of course, I knew this was Tintin, but other than that I didn't know what you wrote. Ruth and Adam's comments helped.

  5. As I was going to comment (but saw that Adam has already)--John, Tintin is French and I don't know what to say except that reading him in Spanish just WRONG! :)

    Love, Ruth

  6. Haha, I didn't know Tintin was French until the other day, when I was reading through something about French culture on the internet, and it mentioned Tintin as one of the popular comics in France. I can't believe I never knew that before, especially because once you realize it, it makes total sense!
