This weekend was rather interesting all around. After the 18th (see last post) came the 19th, my birthday and a continuation of Chile's festivities. I had a good day. I slept in and got a hearty "feliz cumpleaƱos" from my Chilean parents when I woke. I went for a run in the city, as I like to do, and on my return I got a delicious lunch. My stomach was so filled with delicacies that I had to wait until later to eat some of the cake that they had bought for my birthday. I was also able to talk to Dad, Mom, Ruth and Adam, and David and Kelsea throughout the day, so that was a blessing as well. And as usual, it was intriguing to see who on facebook said happy birthday, and how they said it.

In the late afternoon, I went to a fonda (party celebrating the 18th) at a nearby park with my parents here. It was basically just a fair, with food, shows--even a rodeo! We looked around at a lot of the little shops there that sold Chilean crafts and foods, and we ate some kebobs before heading out. Here are some pigs that were being roasted at one of the tents. Yummy!
Sunday was the party after church. It was fun to see everyone dressed in traditional garb and in Chilean flag colors (which happen to be red, white, and blue as well). After the service, we shared a meal together (more about that in a bit!) and those who knew how danced some cueca, the national dance. It was fun to watch, although it made me wish I could do it too! Maybe I´ll get a chance to learn while I´m down here. At any rate, I included a little video at the end of the post so that you can get a taste of the experience. The pictures are of the little kids saying their memory verse, me hanging out with said cute little kids, and some of my friends and me enjoying our meal together.
On Sunday night, right before I went to bed, I started to feel a little bit sick--my stomach was upset, and I felt slightly nauseous. Sure enough, a couple hours later, I woke feeling terrible and knowing I´d better run to the bathroom before I threw up all over my bed. I ended up vomiting all night long and into the morning; I couldn´t even keep a bit of water down. I will spare the details, because it was pretty ugly. Somehow my parents didn´t wake up from it all--I´m happy for them that they didn´t. I literally slept almost the entire day Monday, gradually getting better, to the point where I could take liquids and where the vomiting finally stopped. My oh my, food is so much more enjoyable on the way down than on the way up! I was able to eat a bit of a meal on Monday night, and now I am happy to say that I´m back to normal. My guess is that the culprit was mild food poisoning from something I ate at the Sunday potluck. I definitely don´t want to relive that experience, although it was cool to see how God used it in me to help me focus more on Him. "All things work together for good to those who love God..."
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