Monday, December 14, 2009

Jet Lag

I'm feeling jet lagged for the first time in my life. I'm tired and generally not coordinated to the time here back in good ol' MN. It's funny, because I haven't really had this experience before, even when I went to Europe and Chile. I've been exhausted from travel, but I've always bounced back in a day or so. This time, even though I've been really exhausted, I've woken wide awake two days in a row early in the morning (when I wanted to sleep in). That means something is weird. :) Honestly, I was beginning to think that this "jet lag" was either a big deal about not much, or else something I was immune to. Maybe God's just showing me my place.


  1. I love you,John! I'm glad you're home!


  2. I must say it has been a little strange to wake up at an early hour and find you awake :). It's nice to have ya back John!!
