Well, here I am in Munich! I don't plan to make this post long, but I think it's better to write a little than to wait until getting home to MN and having a severe overload of things to do at that time. So here's a bit of update. I did my grand world tour from Santiago to Minneapolis to Munich, thus making stops in 3 continents within 48 hours. The language and culture shock was definitely noticeable; it just doesn't seem right that you can cut across so many cultures and languages in such a short period of time. I am really thankful for the chance to be here, though.
I also am just loving being with family, as I expected that I would. It's especially fun to be with Ruth, Adam, and little John, who is really getting big and is now starting to talk and, well, be a big kid. He's really cute, and I'm not biased. Also, though, I think I'm starting to realize what a blessing it is to have a huge family--extended family, as we like to refer to them sometimes. These are the people God has allowed me to be in physical relation to, and I think it's really fun and eye-opening to get to know them better. Another reason that I'm thankful God provided for this trip.
Hm, I was going to upload more photos, but I'm going to bed. That will just have to wait, I guess. :)
Nice to see the Pictures, John! And I am so grateful you get to be there too!
John, I'm glad you're having fun. I'm also glad I get to see you in only 4 days! whoohoo! Have fun this week in France. Blow the elephants a kiss for me if you get a chance. I miss seeing them ;)